
Sika Chapdur (Sikafloor-3 QuartzTop TR)

Sika®Chapdur (Sikafloor®-3 QuartzTop TR)
Colored mineral powder surface hardener

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Product description

Sika®Chapdur is a one-component, ready-to-use, colored, mineral, concrete surface hardener consisting of cement, specially selected quartz mineral aggregate, additives and pigments.

Usage areas

  • Sika®Chapdur provides an abrasion resistant mineral surface hardener top layer for monolithic floors. When sprinkled on fresh concrete floors and smoothed with a trowel, it creates a colored, abrasion resistant smooth surface.
  • Typical uses are in warehouses, factories, shopping malls, public areas, restaurants and museums.

Features / Benefits

  • High abrasion resistance
  • Impact resistance
  • Economy
  • Prevention of surface dusting
  • Ease of cleaning
  • Increasing resistance to greases and oils (petrol)
  • Wide color gamut
  • Covers near-surface fibers in concrete


Approvals / Standards Istanbul Technical University, Report No: 563 Date: 24.04.2000

Product Information


Appearance / Color Powder
Natural, concrete gray, light gray, red, green and light brown
Other colors upon request
Packaging 25 kg bags


Storage Conditions / Shelf Life 6 months from the date of production if stored in
original unopened and undamaged packaging in dry conditions between +5 ºC and +30 ºC

Technical data

Chemical Structure Mixture of natural mineral aggregates with adjusted gradients, cement, additives and pigments
Density ~ 1.4 ± 0.1 kg / lt (powder mixture)
Layer Thickness ~ 2.5-3.0 mm with a recommended consumption of ~ 5 kg / m²

Mechanical / Physical Properties

Abrasion Resistance When applied on C25 class concrete, after 28 days (at 23 ºC, 70% relative humidity), the
abrasion decreased by 40-50% compared to concrete without surface hardener.
Concrete with Sika®Chapdur: 3.2 cm³ / 50 cm²
Reference Concrete: 9.8 cm³ / 50 cm² TS 699 (Böhme Method)

System Information

System Structure Use the following products as described in the Product Data Sheets Surface: Fresh concrete flooring (See Surface Quality Section) Surface Hardener: Sika®Chapdur application by hand or machine Surface leveling, using helicopter trowel or laser screed Finishing smoothing with helicopter trowel Curing Agent: Sika®Top 71 Curing and Sikafloor®ProSeal W. (Consult Technical Department for use of other curing materials.)

Application details

Consumption ~ 5 kg / m². (Except for surface profile and casualties)
Surface Quality The quality of the supplied concrete should not vary.
Concrete subsidence values ​​between 75 and 100 mm give the best results under normal conditions.
Concrete slab should be manufactured from fully compacted good quality concrete with a constant minimum water / cement ratio.
Compressive strength should be at least 25 N / mm². The use of
Sikament type super plasticizers is recommended to ensure optimum concrete quality and to distribute the fibers well in the mix when fiber is used .
For best results, the concrete should contain sufficient cement (300-350 kg / m³) and the slab thickness should be at least 15 cm thick. Level the poured concrete with a vibrating screed. As soon as the plasticity of the concrete or the start of setting allow, the surface should be smoothed with a wooden trowel. Air entrained concretes are not suitable substrates for applying surface hardener.

Application Conditions / Limitations

Substrate Temperature Minimum + 5 ° C / Maximum + 35 ° C
Ambient Temperature Minimum + 5 ° C / Maximum + 35 ° C
Relative Humidity Minimum 30% rh / Maximum 98% rh

Application Instructions

Application Method / Tools

(i) Mechanical Application – With an automatic spreader in the presence of a laser screed, 5 kg / m2 Sika®Chapdur should be evenly spread over the surface immediately after sprinkling.

(ii) Manual application: Depending on the conditions, remove the perspiration water or allow it to evaporate. Sprinkle Sika®Chapdur evenly onto the concrete in two stages (first stage: 3 kg / m2; second stage: 2 kg / m2). Care should be taken to be able to apply without creating fluctuations on the concrete surface. In manual application, the general application amount is 5 kg / m2. The surface hardener, which is sprinkled carelessly or more than 2 meters away, reduces the smoothness of the surface appearance. Wait until the Sika®Chapdur is moist with the water in the concrete. Use a low speed mechanical trowel (helicopter) to create a perfect floor.


The second stage should be applied immediately after the first stage surface hardener is absorbed into the floor.


– Never add water to the surface on which the surface hardener has been applied
– Sika®Chapdur hardens the surface in a shorter time than normal. Care should be taken when cutting between floors that will be cast side by side.
– Finishing, closing gaps and removing corrugations can be done manually or with a helicopter trowel.
– The presence of looseness or grout on the surface means that the concrete is still fresh.
– As soon as the plasticity of the concrete or the start of setting permits, the pre-correction should be done with the lowest angle, with the same low speed but metal blade machine. The final correction should then be done at high speed. Cleaning of Tools Clean all tools and equipment with water immediately after use. Hardened / cured material can only be removed mechanically.
Application Time For surface hardeners, the application time is affected by every variable that affects the setting of the concrete and therefore actually varies according to the prevailing conditions. In mechanical application with automatic sprayer and laser screed spreader, the sprinkling process can begin immediately after concrete spreading to allow the surface hardener to soak. Trowel compaction can be started when the weight of helicopter trowels is covered by the concrete. In manual application, the surface hardener should be sprinkled after leaving no more than 3-5 mm fingerprints. Periodically checking the condition and development of the concrete ensures that the correct decision is made about the stages and sequence of the application.

Notes on Application / Limitations
Surface hardener application should not be done in very windy or dry conditions. The concretes whose cement has been replaced by fly ash should not be used as they are more sticky and less workable. Changes in concrete properties such as water and cement content may cause slight color variations. Surface hardeners may create a color difference depending on the natural variations of the applied concrete. In order to ensure color consistency and continuity, the floor placement should be done as cleanly and protected from the environment as possible. Color differences during the drying process are normal and expected
. Each treatment should ensure a smooth application of Sika®Chapdur. Correct timing and buffing techniques are imperative.
At low relative humidity (below 40%), blooming may occur on the surface. At high relative humidity (above 80%), perspiration, slower curing and hardening may occur and a prolonged finishing process may be required. Anti-slip properties can be improved by chemical etching.
Curing Details
Curing Treatment Sika®Chapdur should be cured with Sika®Top 71 Curing and Sikafloor® Proseal W immediately after application. (Consult the Product Data Sheets for detailed information)
Depending on the ambient temperature, false joints should be cut within 1–7 days after the application. After the cutting work is finished, clean the oily residues and grout in the joint without delay. You can fill with Sikaflex®PRO-3WF or other suitable Sikaflex® grout, depending on the design requirements of the floor.

Applied Product
Ready for Use
According to the values ​​above, the concrete reaches its service design strength. The above values ​​depend on the design strength that the concrete has to provide during its service life and will be
affected by changes in ambient conditions, especially temperature and relative humidity.
Surface Temperature + 10 ° C + 20 ° C + 30 ° C
Pedestrian Traffic ~ 18 hours ~ 12 hours ~ 8 hours
Full Service ~ 10 days ~ 7 days ~ 5 days

Cleaning / Maintenance
Methods In order to maintain the appearance of the surface after application, all debris on the Sika®Chapdur should be removed immediately and regularly using suitable detergents and polishes, rotary brush, mechanical scrubbing brush, scrubbing brush dryer, high pressure washer, washing and vacuum techniques, etc. . should be cleaned regularly with.
Notes All technical data stated in this product data sheet are based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may vary due to circumstances beyond our control. Please note that due to local regulations, the performance of this product may differ from country to country. Please refer to the local product data sheets for exact descriptions of application areas.

Health and Safety Information
Users should refer to the material safety data sheet (MSDS) of the product, which contains physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-related information, for information and advice on the safe transportation, storage and disposal of chemical products.

Legal Notes
The information provided here about Sika® products, and in particular the recommendations regarding their application and end-use, are given in good faith based on Sika’s current knowledge and experience of the correct storage, handling and application of these products under normal conditions and in accordance with Sika’s recommendations. . The products, application surfaces and application areas are quite diverse in practice. Therefore, when using Sika® products, make sure you apply the right product in the right conditions and in the right place, and strictly follow the information and instructions given by Sika® regarding its commercial suitability and / or fitness for a particular purpose. Sika® is not responsible for any damage that may occur otherwise. The user (user) of the product must test the suitability of the product for the intended application and purpose.Sika reserves the right to change the properties of its products. The property rights of third parties must be observed. The acceptance of all orders is based on our current sales and shipping conditions. Users should always refer to the latest edition of the local Product Data Sheet for the respective product, which can be obtained by contacting Sika®.

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