Epoxy Coatings

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Epoxy is a two component resin. Before the ingredients are mixed, they have the consistency of honey. Epoxy resin adheres very well to concrete, steel and wood. The material hardens by reacting after a certain period of time after mixing in appropriate proportions. The reaction, in other words, the curing time varies depending on the ambient temperature. There is an inverse proportion between ambient temperature and curing time. It is not possible for the joint to recover after hardening.
In the field of civil engineering, epoxy coatings are mostly applied to protect existing concrete. It prevents the existing coating from abrasion, protection from external factors, breakage, damage in the face of chemical effects, dusting and so on. Epoxy coating applications are made in order to prevent or minimize it. There is no liquid absorption and dusting in epoxy coated areas. It is hygienic and easy to clean. Epoxy coating or epoxy paint can be applied in the desired color.
English epoxy Turkish word epoxy is used.
Epoxy material is also used in structural reinforcement applications. We use epoxy resins in sprout planting (anchorage), carbon fiber and carbon plate applications. Epoxy material in general; It is known for its excellent adhesion, chemical and heat resistance, mechanical strength and electrical insulation properties. It is also used in areas requiring electrical conductivity by being modified. There are also variations that offer thermal conductivity combined with high electrical resistance for high thermal insulation or electronic applications. Epoxy resin is also used in the production of wind turbine rotor blades. It is also used as a structural material in the reinforcement of fiber materials in the aviation industry.

Epoxy Paint or Epoxy Coating Applications on Industrial Floors:
We make a wide variety of epoxy coating applications. It is necessary to determine the epoxy application to be made depending on the needs and specific conditions, otherwise we will either make an expensive application or have a coating that will not meet our needs and will be damaged in a short time. The following topics are important for deciding how to implement:
- The condition of the floor where epoxy coating or epoxy paint is planned to be applied,
- The purpose (s) of the area or areas where epoxy will be applied,
- Whether there is vehicle traffic and its density, if any, whether the vehicles used are tires or metal wheels,
- Presence of various chemical effects,
- Presence of high temperature effect,
- Anticipation of non-slip,
- Hygiene expectation,
- Application time,
- Visual and other expectations of the customer,
- Other business specific conditions.
These variables will be examined carefully and the application type will be determined. The main types of epoxy coating application are given below. You can view the application details by clicking on the application.

- Epoxy Paint Technical Specifications (Epoxy Coating)
- 3 mm Multilayer Epoxy Coating Specification
- 2 mm Multilayer Epoxy Coating Specification
- 3 mm Self Leveling Epoxy Coating Specification
- AntiStatic Epoxy Coating Technical Specifications
- Laminated Epoxy Coating Technical Specification
- Epoxy Mortar Coating Technical Specifications
- Acid Resistant Epoxy Coating Specification
- Epoxy Coating Technical Specification for Parking Lots
- Technical Specification for Epoxy Coating System for Hospitals
Epoxy Floor Coating Application Notes:
- Epoxy coating applications should be done by expert and experienced teams.
- Epoxy paint or epoxy coated floors look shiny. The troubles, undulations, pits or elevations that we did not see on the floor before coating or painting, although depending on the direction of the light after the epoxy coating of the floor, become much more pronounced. This should be considered especially in large areas where visuality is at the forefront. Since epoxy resins are not well known as other coating materials such as ceramic, tile, granite, marble, it is necessary to match the application facts with the expectations before the application.
- Surface preparation is the most important job to be done before epoxy coating or painting. This process should also be done very meticulously.
- Necessary precautions should be taken before applying epoxy coating in frozen, wet or humid areas.
- The mixing rules of the hardener and resin should be followed, and it should not be forgotten that; It is necessary to process the mixture in a limited time depending on the temperature.
- The material that starts to set in the mixture bowl should not be applied.
- Since the proportions of the components are important, a precision scale should be used if a full set mixture will not be made.

Epoxy Coatings Have a Wide Range of Applications:
Food production facilities, industrial production facilities, airports, shopping centers, hospitals, integrated cattle farms, textile factories, pharmaceutical factories, milking and milking units, power plants, warehouses, loading and unloading areas, control rooms, battery rooms, locker rooms, showers, car parks, chemical storage areas, assembly areas, auto galleries, show areas, schools, paint shops and maintenance units, parking lots, forklift roads roughening, bottling lines, bakeries, dairies, restaurants, packaging lines, kitchens, coolers, processing areas, wine homes, laboratories, clean rooms, sterile rooms, classrooms, cafeterias, mechanical rooms, recreation rooms, nurse rooms, patient rooms, clean rooms, operating rooms, restaurants, supermarkets, forklift road roughening, backstage, stadiums,It is used as a floor covering in media centers, fitness centers, customer reception areas, museums, service areas and similar facilities because it increases the abrasion, impact and chemical resistance of concrete.
One of the most curious issues is epoxy prices. Many variables must be known in order to determine the epoxy price. First of all, the application will be determined, and accordingly, the epoxy application price, ie the cost, will appear.
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