
Epoxy Paint General Technical Specification

Preliminary Information

Thephrase “general” in the specification name; Depending on the original conditions of the application surface and the facility, it has been placed due to the availability of different epoxy paint system options. The finished surface may be slightly rough or sandy rough, and the finishing conditions of the surfaces may be different. Since these and similar differences will affect the system, a general specification has been prepared. A special specification should be prepared depending on the conditions of the business to be applied.

Reinforced Concrete Surfaces on which Epoxy Coating Application

Will be applied : In the reinforced concrete floor where epoxy coating will be applied, the concrete compressive strength must be at least 25 N / mm 2 and the concrete surface tensile strength must be at least 1.5 N / mm 2 . Tensile strength will be made with a tensile tester (Pull Off Tensile Tester). While the field concrete is poured, tensile stresses will be taken into account and double layer steel mesh or reinforcement suitable for the project will be placed. Surface hardener will not be used when pouring field concrete in the area where epoxy will be applied.The reinforced concrete surface will be smoothed properly while the tray is installed in the trowel, and a smooth and smooth surface will be obtained. Joint cutting will be carried out within the framework of general engineering rules in order to control possible cracks in the field concrete. In order to start the epoxy coating process, the relative humidity of the concrete must be below 4%. Although it depends on the season and ambient conditions, at least 4 weeks should pass after the concrete pouring. If the required moisture conditions and waiting times cannot be achieved, different primer and coating systems will be considered.

Temperature and Humidity:

Forepoxy coating application, the ambient and concrete surface temperature must be between + 10 ° C and + 30 ° C. The concrete moisture rate should be 4% by weight unconditionally and the relative humidity in the environment should be less than 80%. Relative humidity; It must be below the “Condensation Temperature”, also known as the dew point. Concrete moisture will be measured with a humidifier, when necessary, the ambient temperature will be increased.

Surface Preparation:

In reinforced concrete floors suitable for epoxy coating; Surface preparation is made in order to remove possible loose particles, weak slurry layer, oil and dirt layer, if any, and roughen and clean the surface. Epoxy coating surface preparation should be done with a vacuum ball blasting machine (Shot Blasting-Blastrac). Traditionally, marble polishing machines, diamond-tipped hand machines and rotatigers are used for this process. With these machines, sufficient surface preparation cannot be made to absorb the primer on the surface. It is allowed to use hand spirals where the vacuum balling machine cannot enter. At the end of the surface preparation process, the surfaces will be clean, dry, free from oil and dirt layer, and curing materials, if any. Weak concrete will be removed,eyelet gaps and holes will be repaired in accordance with the technique. Cement laitance on reinforced concrete surfaces will be removed by using abrasive equipment and the surfaces will be made open porous. The high places on the surface will be abraded, sanded and cleaned. All dust, loose and volatile particles on the application surface will be cleaned with a brush and vacuum cleaner.

Epoxy Primer Application:

Gerekli yüzey hazırlığı, temizliği ve tamiratları yapılmış, minimum nem koşullarını sağlayan betonarme yüzey, epoksi astar uygulamasına hazırdır. Uygulamada kullanılacak diğer malzemeler gibi epoksi astar da solventsiz olacaktır. Epoksi malzeme hazırlanırken önce A bileşeni (epoksi reçine) düşük devirli karıştırıcı ile karıştırılacak, karıştırma işlemi devam ederken yavaş yavaş B bileşeni (epoksi sertleştirici) üzerine ilave edilecek ve malzeme homojen hale gelinceye kadar karıştırma işlemi sürecektir. Malzeme sarfiyatı yüzey koşullarına ve uygulanacak sisteme bağlı olarak 300-500 gr/m² olacaktır. Solventsiz epoksi astar, yüzeye rulo veya mala ile dolgulu veya dolgusuz uygulanabilmektedir. Bunu da yine uygulanacak epoksi boya sistemi belirlemektedir. Yine aynı şekilde seçilen sisteme göre üzerine silis veya kuvars dolgu serpilebilir. Epoksi astar; betonun içine nüfuz eder, boşlukları doldurur, yüzeyin darbe ve kimyasal direncini arttırır, çok yüksek bir direnç ile betonarme yüzeye yapışır. Kendisinden sonra gelen katların kendisine yapışması ile de yapılan kaplamanın betonarme yüzey ile bütünleşmesini sağlar.

Epoxy Paint Topcoat Application:

After the epoxy primer application, the surfaces will be protected from moisture, dust and air flow. It will not be opened to pedestrian or vehicle traffic in any way. Depending on the weather and ambient temperature, solvent-free epoxy paint will be applied as a top coat 8-24 hours after the intermediate coat application. Before the application, if there is a filler that has been sprinkled, the loose materials on the surface are removed by sweeping with the help of industrial brooms. Sanding can be done depending on the desired and needed surface roughness. While preparing the epoxy paint top coat material, first component A (epoxy resin) will be mixed with a low speed mixer. While the mixing process continues, component B (epoxy hardener) will be added slowly. Mixing will continue until the ingredients are homogeneous. Solvent free epoxy paint,It will be applied with a roller in the desired color. When the application is finished, an orange peel patterned (slightly rough) surface will be obtained. Depending on the weather and ambient temperature, the application area can be opened to pedestrian traffic within 48 hours.

Surface Repair

If there are pits, fractures and cracks on the reinforced concrete surface, segregations are made with epoxy primer and epoxy mortar. If the cracks are deeper than 4-5 mm and have a large area, cement-based repair mortars may also be preferred. If there is a danger of water coming from the floor, the option of filling the crack section by epoxy injection should be reviewed. If the reinforced concrete slab is working and there is a risk of cracking in the existing coating, it should be applied with glass fiber. If capillary rise of water or moisture cannot be prevented by epoxy injection, possible leakage areas should be filled with polyurethane injection method. In this case, moisture content conditions and waiting times should be observed before applying epoxy.

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